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Soshi Rocks the House on the Singapore leg of their “Girls and Peace” World Tour

Saturday the 12th of October 2013 will forever be etched in the
collective memories of Singapore’s SONEs for a long time to come, for it
was on that fateful day that the 9 ladies of SNSD deigned fit to grace
our beautiful island shores once again to perform.
Yes, the Singapore leg of SNSD’s “Girls and Peace” World Tour was
finally to be staged here. This will be the second time that the ladies
of Girls’ Generation will be performing here, a fact not lost to their
legion of fans (also known as SONEs).
Proof of this was reflected in the fact that tickets for the concert
event sold out within a few hours of its release for public sales, a
feat rarely repeated at other concert events held here in Singapore.
As the concert date approached, the excitement level for the fans slowly
reached fever pitch, with some even deciding to begin queuing for
priority into the mosh pits 3 days before the actual date of the
Finally the day arrived. Despite a wet start to the morning, with heavy
scattered showers drenching the fans present outside the Singapore
Indoor Stadium, venue of the event, not a single SONE present was
deterred and it showed in the fact that the queues did not even disperse
inspite of the rain.
To hype up the event and make this one-day concert a memorable one for
both the Girls and fans, a few of the local SONEs decided to organize a
series of fan events (five to be exact) to be carried out during the
concert itself. These ranged from the usual banner events to an
unprecedented flashlight event during one of the song performances by
the Girls during the concert, all the way to an acapella rendition of
“Into the New World” by the concert audience just prior to the encore
performance by the 9 ladies. Of course, with an increased number of
planned fan events comes the increased possibility of event failure
occurring, a fact not lost to the local SONE organizers. Nevertheless,
nothing ventured, nothing gained, so everyone involved pressed on
What was most encouraging was the fact that, on the actual day itself, a
fair number of foreign SONEs (in addition to the ad-hoc help from the
local SONEs) actually stepped up to volunteer to help hand out the
banners and spread the word about the planned fan events to all those
present. Most commendable were the Japanese SONEs, who insisted on
helping even though they were our “guests” for the upcoming concert.
This clearly shows that a SONE will be a SONE wherever he or she may be,
in which ever part of the world, ever ready to help our 9 talented
Soshi ladies in their quest for world music domination.
As the day wore on, the weather significantly improved and even became
mildly pleasant towards the evening. The gates to the indoor stadium
were finally opened at around 4.30 pm and the crowd started streaming in
shortly thereafter.
The mosh pens and stadium terrace/balcony seats slowly, but surely began
to fill-up and the excitement level in the entire concert vicinity
started to reach a fever pitch.
Whenever the slightest change occurred in the venue lighting or
background music level, the entire building erupted in a loud roar of
Finally, 6 pm arrived and the entire stadium was suddenly cloaked in
darkness, eliciting the loudest roar of all from the SONEs present. The
show has begun!
The concert started with an awesomely filmed fantasy-styled video that
featured the 9 ladies of Girls’ Generation as heroines of our dark and
dreary world, bringing light, peace and hope to all that they touch and
survey, ending, as always, with an artistically rendered introduction
for each of the 9 ladies.
At that point, the focus was suddenly shifted to the main stage itself,
with the magical appearance of 9 ball-like structures. Wonder of
wonders, the Girls suddenly appeared on them, in life-like 3D, singing
their ultra-popular hit single “Hoot”. The crowd went wild at that
point. But more was to come, for like magic, they suddenly disappeared,
only to re-appear in a cloud of smoke and pyrotechnics (one of many)
from the centre of the main stage. The crowd just lost it then, turning
the entire stadium into one big rave party.
The Girls kept the “heat” up with “Animal” next, earning even louder
cheers from the fans present. With the energy of the fans at such a high
level so early on in the concert, Tiffany, the de facto spokesperson
for the night, decided to bring forward the usual mid-concert intro and
talk session. With her mesmerizing “eye-smiles” (one of many, too, that
night), she encouraged the crowd to do an impromptu acapella rendition
of “The Boys”, something which all the SONEs present gladly acceded to.
This earned everyone present lots of thumbs-up and cries of “Daebak”
from our 9 favourite ladies.
“Say Yes” came on next, and that was when the dorky natures of the 9
ladies started appearing on stage, to the absolute delight of all the
fans present. OTPs of all permutations were gladly put on display by the
9 ladies, making the performance a memorable one indeed.
Of course, what Singapore Soshi concert would be complete without the
almost legendary “GG” by the local SONEs during “The Boys”? When they
came on, the fans not only rocked the entire stadium with their combined
“GG” chant, they went one better and echoed the entire song, to the
absolute delight of the Girls.
Not to be outdone, “I Got a Boy” received similar vocal treatment from
the SONEs present, earning the most adorable eye-smiles from Tiffany and
huge grins and fan service from the rest of the Soshi ladies.
The concert rapidly proceeded to become one huge fan party, with popular
SNSD hits like “Run Devil Run”, “Oh!”, “Mr.Taxi” and “Gee” being
performed, interspersed with the newer Japanese hits like “Diamond”,
“T.O.P.” and some awesome re-mixes and renditions like “Dancing Queen”
(my personal favourite) and “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” (a classical
oldie brought to life by our beautiful “earthly angels”).
As this time around all the 9 ladies are involved in the concert
performances, with no guest stars or solo stages, the various musical
segments in the concert per se were interspersed with beautifully filmed
filler videos, each denoting a particular theme for the concert at that
These videos ranged from futuristic (the intro to Mr. Taxi) to the hilarious (the faux war between Ned and Flanders).
My personal favourite, though, was the video that showcased a
well-loved, but recently departed school teacher, featuring none other
than our dear maknae Seohyun in the starring role. Though it was an
unexpected item to show during a concert such as this, it really helped
to set the mood, in my opinion, for the first song of that musical set,
Thus began the first of the planned fan events by the Singapore SONEs, a
flashlight event, using an app downloaded onto the fans’ smart phones.
As the song began, with the lights dimmed, the entire stadium was
suddenly transformed into a twinkling universe of bright lights. The
overall effect was really amazing to behold, such that it brought tears
of joy to eyes of the Girls themselves. In fact, so touched were they
that they actually mentioned, during their subsequent “talk” session
with fans, how impressed they were with the effect created and how it
fitted the song perfectly.
The other fan events that also caught the eyes of our 9 favourite ladies
were the banner events during “Baby, Baby” and “Forever”. You could
actually see the joy reflected on the Girls’ faces as they surveyed the
scenes of raised paper all around them.
Personally, though, it was the sudden appearance of the signed beach
balls thrown towards the stage during “Himnae” that was a sweet moment
for me. Somehow, it spoke of the co-operation between SONEs, relative
strangers before this concert, which allowed this fan event to succeed.
This was validated by the fact that the Girls immediately started
playing with the signed balls, Sooyoung and Yuri even tossing the balls
back to the mosh pit audience members to toss back to them, before
flinging them towards the opposite direction.
All too soon, the time came to the end of the planned music sets,
leaving just the encore to be performed. This time around, the local
SONEs decided on something a little more ambitious, an acapella
rendition of the chorus for “Into the New World”, the debut song for
SNSD. Tensions were high all around as the possibility of failure was
great indeed, Singapore SONEs being well-known to be a reticent lot.
But the fears of the organizers turned out to be unfounded, as the
entire stadium gave a relatively rousing recital of the chorus, a rare
feat indeed considering almost everyone present do not speak or read
Korean as a routine. Although we did not manage to persist until the
Girls re-appeared again onstage (unlike the Taiwanese SONEs during the
Girls’ concert there), it still nicely complimented the song when they
finally performed it, to ear-splitting cheers all around. This fact was
nicely alluded to by Sooyoung during their final “talk” session
on-stage. In fact, someone actually commented that the impromptu “ITNW”
fan performance could even be heard outside the stadium itself, by
itself no mean feat.
Finally, the last song, “Twinkle” was performed and, with it, the
throwing of the autographed plastic balls. Expecting a stampede, the
entire event turned out to be rather civilized in nature, with everyone
present having loads of fun during the song performance.
Tiffany next initiated the traditional “Pink Ocean” light stick event
for every one present, even getting our reticent maknae Seohyun to start
the proverbial ball-rolling. The end result was a beautifully
synchronized pink light-up of the entire stadium.
The Girls soon bid all present a heartfelt “Thank You” and a reluctant
farewell, although Sooyoung put it across best by declaring “never say
goodbye”, promising to come back to Singapore “pretty soon”. Before
leaving the stage though, Tiffany did elicit a promise from the SONEs
present to support Yuri in her upcoming movie debut “No Breathing”, to
be screened in Singapore in early December 2013.
The night event finally ended on a high note when the Girls got all
present to repeat the Soshi/SONE pledge: “Now is Girls’ Generation”,
“Always is Girls’ Generation”, “Forever is Girls’ Generation”.
The final tribute from the Girls, though, to attest to the success of
the concert and the amount of fun that they had whilst performing for us
fans: a handwritten message on an IPad screen held aloft by Yoona
through their van’s window as they drove away from the Indoor Stadium
towards Changi airport and their flight home. The message: “Sone Ya”.
Yes, indeed, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Sooyoung, Yuri, Yoona, Seohyun, Sunny,
Jessica, Hyoyeon, we SONEs hear you and wish you all the very best in
your career in the K-Pop music scene. Soshi Daebak!
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